9 Things Girls Secretly Do On Their Period - 9Gagly

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Monday, March 6, 2017

9 Things Girls Secretly Do On Their Period

Trembling from that weird deep pain that men will never know 

2.Starting defiantly at a male shop assistant when you buy supplies.

You feel strong and mysterious.

3. Experiencing at least three different emotions in the space of a minute.

 You wish you weren't such a period cliché

4. Looking in horrified awe to see what carnage you've wreaked in the toilet

it's kind of amazing.

5. Going through this unnecessary torment when you need to change your pad or tampon:

 6. Smuggling a tampon up your sleeve and praying for safe passage to the toilet.

7. Knowing who you can truly count on at this difficult time.

 8.Adapting your wardrobe to protect against accidents.

 9.But still feeling incredibly paranoid every time you stand up.

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