1. A modern Romeo and Juliet

2. YOINK! 

Reddit | whud99

3. the instant this pupper discovered the magic of leaves!

Reddit | AlmostGaryBusey

4. This guy should be immortal!

Reddit | realbobsnyder

5. only one second far from needing a replacement camera

Reddit | p07a70

6. looks sensible, actually

That manner you've got alittle shelf for your comic books and milk.

Reddit | mcfrivolous

7. Walking in on your friend is therefore awkward...

Reddit | Tarty2000

8. The scandal!

9. simply taking a flash to mirror

Reddit | CptSandbag73

10. a flash this family can always remember

Reddit | sweetbbcheesus

11. His face is priceless!

Reddit | ssjGoku2065

12. These guys caught middle...monster mash?

Reddit | AdamE89

13. Ever get that inking feeling?

Reddit | Bloodbraid85

14. Play balls!

15. Nothing like capturing the right high five!

Reddit | t-readyroc

16. And lastly, "get outta here, trash panda!"

Reddit | Drazen_Petrovic

'Till next time, keep capturing those image excellent moments!

Reddit | imsin

Main Image via Tumblr